How To Choose The Right Loom For You
Choosing a loom can be a confusing process, and there are so many different options available for every stage of your weaving journey. Here I’m sharing a few thoughts on starter looms, larger looms, and my own dream looms for the future.

Your Guide To Buying A Second-Hand Floor Loom
Buying a floor loom second-hand is a great way to save money, but it's sometimes hard to know where to begin! In this post I’m sharing how I went about choosing, sourcing and restoring my own second-hand looms, and my tips for getting the right loom for you.
Why You Should Try Weaving On A Floor Loom
When I first started weaving, floor looms looked so complicated and difficult to use that I swore I would never get one! Now 8 years later, I have six floor looms that I use on a regular basis. In this post, I’m sharing about my journey with floor looms, what they actually are, and why you should try one for yourself.