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This page contains the details of what you’ll need for our Rug Weaving On An Upright Loom online course!
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What You’ll Need For This Course
An Upright Frame Loom - You will need a loom large enough to weave a 45cm x 75cm rug. I am using the Balfour & Co rug loom. The course also includes instructions for making your own loom.
Warp Yarn - The rugs in this course are woven using 2mm cotton cord, 3mm cotton cord and 6/6 linen warp. We recommend trying out at least 2 warp types! For each rug you will need approx 85-100m depending on the size of your loom.
Weft Yarn - I am using DK and Aran weight rug yarn. You will need approx 400g of weft yarn for each rug.
Weaving Tools - flat stick shuttles, a bobbin, a comb, a tapestry needle and sharp scissors.